
Phase Five Gadget BLEM Foil Board 54”


The Gadget is the first skim style hybrid foil board that Phase Five has designed. The advantages to the Skim Style foil design is that it easier to control the board under your feet when you take off. The Gadget comes equipped with optional foot straps for aggressive riding, or as a training assist for first time foilers. We made sure when designing the Gadget that it was made super strong so that it would be able to handle whatever you are ready to throw at it. The thinner skim style core allows the Gadget to be super maneuverable and nimble feeling to the foil rider. The Gadget utilizes the track mount system on the bottom. This allows experienced foil riders to mount any foil they choose, while being able to micro adjust it for their own setup. Get a taste of flying with the use of a hydrofoil underneath your feet, and reset your mind as to what is possible behind the boat. What is even more neat is that the Gadget can be used as a wakesurfer as well. The board comes with twin fin skim style setup to try out once you’re done with your foil session. The Gadget comes in 54” and features a wide outline that will support a wide range of riders. The complete Gadget Board + Foil package comes with the Phase Five Nova Foil. The Phase Five Nova Foil is equipped with a longer 28" mast for more room to fly and pump, something seasoned foilers will appreciate.


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